NFL Experts Debate The 2024 Draft: Our Early Rookie Of The Year Picks


The 2024 NFL draft is still years away, but experts are already debating who will be the Rookie of the Year.


Will it be a quarterback, a running back, or a defensive player?


The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure: the competition will be fierce.


Some experts believe that a top quarterback prospect will take home the award, while others have their eyes on a standout running back.


But don't count out the defensive players, as they can make a big impact in their first year in the league.


One thing is certain, the 2024 draft class is shaping up to be one of the most talented in recent years.


With so much talent to choose from, it's hard to predict who will come out on top.


But that's what makes it so exciting - the unpredictability and the potential for a breakout star.


So mark your calendars for the 2024 draft and get ready to see some of the best young players in the game.


Who will be the Rookie of the Year? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure - it's going to be an exciting race to the finish.