How To Attract Goldfinches With The Right Feeders


How to Attract Goldfinches With the Right Feeders


Welcome to this guide on attracting goldfinches to your yard. Get ready to witness the vibrant beauty of these delightful birds!


Choose a feeder specifically designed for goldfinches, like a thistle or nyjer seed feeder. These finches have a preference for tiny seeds.


Place the feeder in a quiet and safe location, away from other bird feeders. Goldfinches prefer a peaceful atmosphere while feeding.


Offer fresh thistle or nyjer seeds as the main attraction. Goldfinches adore these tiny black seeds and will flock to your feeder.


Keep the feeder clean and dry to prevent mold growth. Goldfinches appreciate a tidy feeder, so clean it regularly to maintain their interest.


Add perches near the feeder to provide a comfortable resting spot for goldfinches. These birds enjoy taking short breaks between feeding.


Create a water source nearby, such as a birdbath. Goldfinches love to bathe and drink, and having water nearby will increase their visits.


Plant native flowers like sunflowers, coneflowers, and asters. Goldfinches are attracted to these bright blooms and will appreciate the extra food source.


Be patient and persistent. It may take some time for goldfinches to discover your feeder, but with the right setup, they will surely come! Enjoy the beauty they bring to your yard.